Times Colonist E-edition

Defund Russia to help end the war

Re: “Tanks but no negotiation is bad news for Ukraine,” commentary, Feb. 1, and “Remember that Russia invaded Ukraine,” letters, Feb. 4.

I would like to thank both writers for discussing this difficult topic. I agree that “Ukraine’s allies, including Canada, deserve praise for assisting the Ukrainian people in defending themselves” and also that “Civilians are the big losers in a propaganda war that devolves into the conclusion that the only way to ‘win’ the war is total defeat of the other side on the battlefield.”

I would like to point out that Europe continues to send money to Russia to buy oil and natural gas. Until the number of euros and dollars sent to Russia becomes zero, the West is effectively funding both sides of the war.

Whether we take the path of negotiation or combat, defunding Russia would be an excellent first step.

Canada could contribute to defunding Russia by providing an alternative source of hydrocarbons. That we refuse to do so has serious consequences, including a stronger Russia.

Scott Newson Nanaimo






Glacier Media